Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
the update trilogy
Okay. So, I've been passed the baton. I'm next in line, after clove and sleepiekoala , to write an update about my latest happening. Pardon me please as it is long overdue. Better be late than never, they said? hehe.
Let's get started. I haven't been working for almost 2 weeks now, after the completion of a project. Oh! life can be so beautiful without having to work. At work, I've been drowned with compliments and acknowledgement like "Well done, Kat!", "Excellent!", "Without Katherine, it would be a total nightmare!", yadda yadda yadda. That's a little too much of compliments, but I LOVE IT! So, for that, I guess I deserved to escape the world and hibernate at home for at least half a year.
Besides that, I have been busy blogging and soul-searching with my imaginary friend, Naima (No! moron! not 'nanny' in Cantonese. This is a name of Swedish origin, it means 'tranquility'). Naima does the difficult bit, like singing and dancing to amuse me, while I do the easy, simple bit like sleeping, eating and shitting. I'm also reading my bank statements (The figure keeps getting smaller and smaller), mortgage payment reminder (final notice to be exact. Does that mean they will tow my beloved car away?) and other people's mind.
Recent purchase include X-brand shampoo that has the tagline 'See! but don't touch?' on the bottle, Y-brand bodywash that is supposed to make you feel like a celebrity after a shower(Hrmmm...and I wonder how),Z-brand toothpaste, I figured if I need to brush my teeth everytime I wake up from sleep/nap/rest/daydreaming, I would need to brush my teeth at least 10 times a day. So, that would mean I'll need a hell lot of toothpaste! I'm so contented with my 'luxurious' shopping spree! (Note: can't afford fancy stuff like friend in US and friend in Melbourne)
I wish the weather in Malaysia would cool down faster, it's rainy season now but still, it's not cold enough to snow. Damn! Friends in the States and Melbourne are in warm winter jacket and I'm stucked in boring summer clothings, all year round! That sucks! There's no daylight saving in Malaysia and who cares about time difference anyway. I'm only awake when night falls so my biological clock works around US time zone! muahaha....
I think I'll never ever blog enough and since I don't need to work tomorrow, and the day after, and after, and after, which means I can wake up any time I want to. Yikes. Boring. So, tata for now. I shall be back!!!!
Oh wait! Who should I pass the baton to next? *look around* Nobody else lah! Durh!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
让人生 无比精彩
让温馨 四处洋溢
无须 千言万语
一个 肯定的眼神
一份 默默的支持
一丝 细微的关怀
都是 友情的 最佳演绎
庆幸 人生旅途上 与你同行
欣慰 生命低潮时 有你相伴
朋友 你的 不离不弃
让我 领悟
让我 不枉此生
death of a passion
I think my addiction for blogging is slowly dying off. Why? cuz my bloody site meter statistic keep showing me '0' visitor ever since I installed it a week ago! Can somebody tell me why?? *sob*sob*
Someone told me only those who knows me personally will be interested in my blog. Cuz there is no 'buzz power'. Damn. WTF is 'buzz power' anyway? Come to think of it, do I care about strangers reading my blog? NO! I don't! If I want to, I would start posting X-rated videos/pictures/postings and I'm sure that will drive traffic. (Note: not mine for the record)
For a simple reason, I'm blogging so that friends across the oceans and continents can know about my latest happening. Some told me that they enjoyed reading my blog. Some told me they are touched with the stuff I wrote about them. And there are some who has got my message loud and clear through my blog.
My blog is the sanctuary of my emotion. It's a place where I can blabber about anything, important or not.
For those that care enough to spend time reading my blog, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Cuz I know by reading, you are showing that you care.
I think I'm extremely emotional tonight. Must be the rain. Damn rainy nights.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
a love letter
Dear Hoonkee*,
You have gone for more than a month now. Eventhough you have left me, the smell of you still lingers between my fingers. Never a day passed without the thought of you.
A meal is never complete without you by my side. Ever since you left, I have been living in misery. To ease my pain, I stuff myself with food everyday. I have put on so much weight and turned into a 'tua bui '*. Without you, I'm nothing but disaster.
Oh Hoonkee*, how I miss you. You have brought so much joy to my life. You were there for me through think and thin. Without you, 'lim jiu' * loses its meaning, just like Nescafe without its Coffeemate. Without you, there is no reason for me to 'jiak jual' * during working hours.
My heart aches when someone mention your name. I get so distracted when I smell that unique fragrance found only on you. You are simply irreplaceable.
Baby, please come back to me. For I cannot bear to lose you forever. Life will never be complete without you.
DK aka Decay
The Oxford 'Hokkien' Dictionary
Hoonkee *
noun. a cylinder of finely cut tobacco rolled in paper for smoking, also known as 'cigarette'
Tuabui *
noun. (pl. tuabuis) informal, derogatory. A fat person.
Lim jiu *
verb. to imbibe alcoholic drinks, esp. habitually or to excess; tipple.
Jiak jual *
noun. the evasion of work or duty. also known as 'slacking'
Encik DK aka Decay: Good luck in quitting smoking! I just LOVE to see you suffer! Muahahaha..
(Here's a picture of your favourite ciggies to quench your thirst for smoking! *grin*)
the sweetest thing

She's ladylike
She's caring
She's fashionable
she's sugar, spice
and everything nice
Like a star in the darkest night
She brings light to our lives
Like the sun in the winter day
She brings warmth to our hearts
She's the sweetest thing
She's all a man desires
She's one in a million
She's GINA
Note: Gina said she won't read my blog unless I write about her. There you go, Ms. Gina Gooi! A poem for you! Hope you'll like it! Happy birthday in advance!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
mega bollywood blockbuster
Starring: Indian Custom Officer, Man selling pre-paid mobile phone SIM cards, Man at souvenir shop, Flying pig, Boobie
After a round of negotiation for custom duties on the gifts we brought into Mumbai for an event.
Custom Officer: "I don't believe you girls have no money. Look at the hotel you are staying. It's a very expensive 5-star hotel." The officer said, while looking at the address we labelled on the boxes.
Custom officer: "So, are you going to invite me to the hotel for a drink?"
Flying pig: "No no! We are staying at another hotel." Flying pig tried to divert his attention.
Custom Officer: "Oh! That is a even more expensive hotel! There is a very nice pool in there."
Flying pig: "Ummm.. we don't know how to swim."
Custom officer: "Oh! Not to worry. I can teach you." he said with a wide grin on his face.
Flying pig whispered to Boobie: "Boobie, hurry! hurry! Let's get outta here!"
On their way out from the airport, they spotted a counter selling pre-paid mobile phone SIM cards. They decided to stop by and purchased the cards.
Boobie: "Excuse me. We would like to purchase two pre-paid mobile phone SIM cards."
Man #1: "Sure. Please fill up this form and I will need to make photocopy of your passports."
Boobie replied in hesitation: "Errrr... there you go." Boobie handed our passports over to him.
Men #1: "I also need to take a picture of you girls for the registration."
Boobie & Flying pig said almost simultaneously: "Huh??"
Man #1: "Yes. This is the compulsory procedure. Now stand in front of the counter and smile." He said while holding up his camera.
Boobie stood in front of the counter with no expression on her face and he took a photo of her.
Man #1: "Now, it's your turn."
Flying pig smiled unwilling into the camera.
Man #1: "Wow. You have a very nice smile."
Flying pig and Boobie looked at each other, speechless.
Man #1: "There you go." He handed the SIM cards to us and said cheekily " I will call you." Both Flying pig and Boobie were stunned.
Flying pig: "Boobie. Quick quick! Let's get outta here!"
They arrived at the hotel as scheduled. During set-up day, there was some free time in the evening. So, Boobie and Flying pig decided to go out and explore the city. After checking with the concierge, they decided to venture to a souvenir shop nearby on a tuk-tuk (a local transportation operated with a motorbike and a sheltered two-seater behind).
Boobie said in disappointment: "Ahhhh.... it's a shabby little shop."
Flying pig: "Ah well, we are here already. Just go in and see what they have."
Flying pig and Boobie walked into the shop and were welcomed by a local Indian man.
Man #2: "Ladies, can I show you around. Check out the interesting stuff we have here for you". He said while showing us some handicrafts.
Boobie was interested in some wooden hand-made boxes. Indecisive, she decided to see what they have upstairs.
Man #2: "Katherine, nothing caught your eyes?"
Flying pig replied in shock: "Huh? How do you know my name?" She then realized she was wearing the custom-made necklace with her name.
While walking upstairs, Flying pig was playing with her necklace.
Man #2: "You don't have to hide it. I already know your name."
Flying pig: ".......... "
Man #2: "We have a lot of jewellery here. Do you like earrings?"
Flying pig tried to be funny: "Ahhh... earrings are not meant to be bought yourself. It's meant to be received as gifts. Haha..."
Man #2 paused for awhile and looked at Flying pig: "Are you hinting something to me?"
Flying pig: "Oh no!! Not hinting anything. Not at all!!"
Man #2 winked and said: "Cuz if you are, I can give you something."
Flying pig was horrified: "No no no! no no no no no......"
Flying pig: "Boobie, are you done yet? We gotta get outta here!"
Oh my. That was really some kind of experience. We heard they are into voluptuous women. Hrmmm. That would mean I have huge potential in India. Maybe I should consider moving to India. NO WAY! I was only joking!!!
Me and my little Bollywood adventure. Pure drama, even without the usual lawn rolling and tree hugging scenes. Hahahaha....
Saturday, October 20, 2007
the art of uncivilization
If any of you have not realized by now. I'm freelancing in event management working on project basis for my ex-company in Singapore. Recently, I took on a 12 cities roadshow for a multi-national company specializing in IT. Shanghai was the fourth stop.
My colleagues and I arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday morning in preparation for the event. The event was held at a 5-star hotel in Pudong. Everything went on smoothly on pre-set up day and actual event day. Just as we thought that the event is going to end flawlessly, something shocking happened.
The attendees were supposed to collect 5 ticket stubs in exchange for a gift at the end of the event. By 3ish, a massive crowd started to build up in front of the registration. Everyone wanted to redeem their gift and leave early. The situation started to get chaotic.
"Elektra! Get out of the registration counter right now!" Mutiara shouted through the walkie-talkie. Elektra left the registration counter in hurry and headed towards the stage where lucky draw was going to take place.
"Follow that girl! Follow that girl!" the crowd screamed to each other. They followed Elektra exactly how the rats followed Peter Piper in the fairy tale.
"Elektra! Now, stay at the stage and don't come to the redemption counter!" Mutiara instructed through the walkies.
Elektra stayed at the stage until lucky draw begins. I quickly ran towards the stage to handle lucky draw. The crowd rushed towards the redemption counter right after the lucky winner for the last prize was announced.
"Dui bu qi, rang wo guo yi xia." (it means "Excuse me. Please let me get through" in Mandarin). I managed to squeeze my way through and get behind the counter to help in distributing the gifts.
They were supposed to form two queue in front of the redemption counter. We had at least 10 crew members out there trying to control the crowd. People started pushing around and soon, they have gone out of control and hundreds of people pushing towards the redemption counter as though we were giving out gold bars!!
"Get out of the counter now, girls! and I mean NOW!" Mutiara shouted. Bunnie and I were still collecting ticket stubs and giving away gifts while Boobie stared in space, stunned with what she saw, only collects ticket stubs without giving out the gifts. Those standing in front of the counter kept screaming at us. "Wei! Wo de li pin ne? wo de li pin ne?" (it means "Hey! Where's my gift?" in Mandarin) and believe me, they weren't polite at all.
The counter was pushed towards us until Boobie, Bunnie and I were pinned against the pillar by the counter. "Ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I cried out loud. We were rescued from the counter immediately by Elektra, Ah Loh and Mutiara.
In the midst of the chaos, the security guards came flocking into the redemption area and tried to control the crowd. The Hotel's PR manager, a local Chinese national, came and screamed at the crowd. "Ni men dou feng le ba!" (it means "You have all gone mad!" in Mandarin). None of them managed to ease the crowd.
We had no choice but to halt gift redemption. The hotel security has requested us to make an announcement informing the attendees that gift redemption has been cancelled. Well, as I have spent 4 years previously in Beijing, that would means my Mandarin is the best among us. Therefore, I had to make the announcement.
We then went hiding in our secretariat room. Mutiara and Bunnie went on to tear down our stuff and pack up. Little to their knowledge, some attendees who refused to leave the hotel started stalking them. The hotel security had to escort them back to our secretariat.
The Hotel Manager came shortly, wanting to know how we planned to solve the problem. The crowd still loitered in the hotel and refused to leave. We were advised to apologize and distribute the gifts to them. Here comes the best part, a public apology. Guess who has to make the apology? It's me... again!
There they were. About 70 of them, all seated in the room waiting for us with such hostile look on their face. I walked behind the security guards towards the front of the room. As I turned around, I realized that I was the only one standing in front of the room. The rest of my colleagues has stopped at the door. I had 70 pairs of angry eyes staring at me. But there was no time for fear.
As I was apologizing to them, complete with a sincere voice and countless bowing, I noticed a guy sitting on the second row recording me with his mobile phone. I was horrified and paused for awhile. "Excuse me, Sir. Are you recording me?" He put his phone down calmly and looked away. Damn it! I prayed and prayed so hard that he will not post the video up on Youtube. Arghhhhh!!!
We gave them their gifts on their way out. I was standing at the door apologizing personally to each and everyone of them. It was really some kind of experience 'cuz I've never ever said 'dui bu qi' ("Sorry" in Mandarin) continuously for so many times in my life. You've guessed it. It's totally, absolutely, extremely ...
Phew. Finally, it was over. But we were all too traumatized after. This is definitely a not-so-pleasant memory which has scarred my almost perfect life. I'm just so glad it's all over now.
Note: Names have been changed to protect the innocent!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
i *heart* photoshop
little miss drama queen
I was queuing at the taxi counter with tonnes of luggage. Suddenly a man came over and cut the queue. Within a flick of my eye, he was standing in front of me.
Furious, I reacted immediately.
"Excuse me." I said. No response. "Excuse me." I said again. Still no response. Even more furious, I said "Excuse me" repeatedly. And he was still ignoring me.
"Excuse meeeee!!!!" I screamed. This time, everyone turned around and looked at me. I mean everyone, all except that man-in-cheap looking-crappy-polyester-business suit.
I then tapped on his shoulder and he turned and looked at me.
"Excuse me, I was queuing here before you." I said.
"Oh, you can queue over there." He pointed at another queue and turned his back against me.
*%^@*^#@*!!... I was f**king agitated, annoyed, angry, mad, pissed, frustrated, blah blah blah. So, I started stamping on my foot and jumped up and down, literally, to express my frustration. There were some 'angmoh' around and they started laughing. Oh, that was quite a scene, believe me.
I moved to another queue and keep shaking my head, giving him the killer stare while waiting for my turn.
To that bloody uncivilized idiot, I hope you will trip and fall flat on your face, and get a nose bleed so bad you will need to stick a tampon in your nose to stop the bleeding!!
Confession time. For those that don't know me well, yes, I'm a bloody drama queen and I'm proud to be one! haha...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
flying pig in action again!
Flying pig setting off to Manila tomorrow morning. Now, don't get all excited. I'm not going there for leisure. I'm going there for work!
Pamamaalam (it means "Good bye" in Tagalog)! See you guys on Wednesday!
love me, love my blog
blogger since: February 2007
blogger ranking: Elementary
addiction level: Extremely HIGH
fan base: 2 (Warning: do not have doubt! I seriously have fans! wanna join my fan club? haha)
aim: to spread the KATkat philosophy like a cult across the cyberspace and subsequently, conquer the world! muahaha
famous quote: Love me, love my blog!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
simpsonize me!
This is how I'll look like if I'm a Simpson! Pretty anot? *wink*wink* hahaha...
Click here to personalize your very own.
Have a blast!
learn how to speak hokkien
Wow! My Hokkien has improved so much!
Thanks to the useful 'educational' video I found on Youtube.
You should try it if your Hokkien sucks! I guarantee you'll have no regret!
(Caution: Watch at your own risk! Highly offensive but extremely hilarious in a sickening way!)
PS. Click here to check out his blog. Bloody damn funny too!
Friday, October 12, 2007
recipe for happiness
1 cup of Family
2 tbsp of Friendship
1 tbsp of Career
1 tbsp of Romance
Sauce ingredients:
3/4 tsp of Fun
1 tsp of Laughter
A dash of Excitement
A squeeze of Luck
Heat up life, then fry family, friendship and career until lightly golden. Add romance to mix.
Pour in fun and laughter and simmer for awhile. Toss well until well combined.
Dish out and serve with a squeeze of luck and a sprinkling of excitement.
You now have a beautiful dish of HAPPINESS.
* Signature dish recommended by Chef KATkat
Thursday, October 11, 2007
"blind date" by Happy Tree Friends
This is hilarious! :)
Me and my TWISTED sense of humour... someone ever commented! muahahaha....
so irresistible
an angel
like a knight in shining armour
He brought
not only joy and happiness
but tender, love and care
Like a rainbow after the rain
he is always a delight
He may be gone forever
but his soul
will always live in your heart
Just like an angel
he will always be
by your side
* This one is dedicated to you, Suet Yi. Never ceased to have faith.
听过她的经历后, 得知她感情路上崎岖不平. 她的遭遇, 确实令人感到惋惜. 她为爱情所作的牺牲颇大. 为了所爱的人, 她无怨无悔, 忍受着他家人对她的冷颜冷语. 她尝试着各种办法, 希望有那么一天, 能够感动他的家人, 接受她和他一起的事实, 祝福他们的这段感情.
最终, 她还是失败了. 她没有办法改变他家人对她的偏见. 在她和他家人之间, 他选择了家人. 她彻底的崩溃了. 爱, 曾经那么的甜蜜, 但是却可以那么的残酷.
我只能说, 这个人, 不值得你伤心流泪. 因为他不够爱你. 他不愿意为你牺牲, 不愿意为你们俩的将来打拼. 在这样的一段感情里, 吃亏的永远是你.
有人说, 爱不在乎天长地久, 只在乎曾经拥有. 这都是骗人的. 爱, 若不是一生一世, 那又有何意义?
把他给忘了吧! 未来, 还有更多值得的人在等待.
brain dead
I wanted so badly to write something for my blog, but I ran out of idea. I feel like an addict without supply.
This is so frustrating.
Can someone inspire me, excite me or perhaps, donate some fresh brain cells to me?
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
dog chase
So, I took both my dog, a Miniature Schnauzer, Bailey and my neighbour's dog, Mimi out for a walk in the evening. It was all fun until Mimi ran loose from her leash and starting running away. Oh my gosh, you can imagine the horrified look I had on my face. The more I tried to chase her, the quicker she ran. Eventually, she ran into someone's car porch and sneaked into their house. The owner of the house, without realizing it, was still happily typing away in front of his computer until I asked for help. Oh my. That was embarassing spelled with a capital "E"!
First, it was cat fight. Now, dog chase. I wonder what is next in line... crocodile rock? elephant walk? buffalo wings? hrmmm..... I don't mind the latter though. haha..
My life seems to be filled with surprises and it can sometimes be like a circus!
cruelly insensitive
Someone read my blog and laughed at what I wrote. Don't get me wrong. He wasn't laughing at my entries labelled under 'Tickle my funny bone', which is supposedly humorous. He was laughing at the one entry where I poured my heart out and shared a story of my sad past.
I am very upset. How can someone be so insensitive? You can disgrace my blog and choose not to read it. But do not laugh for you do not have the rights. The rights to hurt one's feeling. Especially mine.
So, if you are reading this, YES, I'm hurt by your cruel remarks.

<色.戒> 改编之张爱玲的小说. 这部电影, 叙述着一群年少狂妄的热血青年, 在抗日战争的动荡年代里, 参与了特务行动. 希望以微薄的力量替国家尽一点责任. 万万没有想到, 当中竟然因为千丝万缕的情感, 而误了大事. 徒劳无功之余, 还赔了一票人的性命.
在戏里, 梁朝伟饰演的易先生是一个典型的理性代表人物. 由于身份的原因, 他把自己武装起来, 连带七情六欲都把它深埋在无底洞里. 但是, 因为汤唯所饰演的王佳芝的出现而改变了一切. 易被王的美色所迷惑, 放下戒备, 流露出感性的一面. 他要的是她的躯体, 而她要的却是他的性命. 原来如此简单的交易, 却因俩人动了真感情, 而变得一发不可收拾.
从一开始的憎恨, 到最后的爱慕, 王佳芝爱得义无反顾. 在行动的关键时刻, 冒着丧失性命的危险, 给易逃生的机会. 她可以在被捕之前, 服毒自杀. 但是却抱着可能还有见到易的机会, 欣然接受逮捕.
易虽然深爱着王, 却为了千秋大业, 狠下心肠的把王送上刑场. 由于害怕自己心软, 甚至选择不见他所爱的人最后一面.
电影尾声, 易的热泪盈眶, 王受刑前眼神流露的无奈, 都让人感叹万分.
有谁能说, 易做对了吗? 王有错吗? 爱的力量实在令人难以置信, 因为它可以让人连性命都不要.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
life's a rollercoaster ride
Now, all of a sudden, all I feel is sadness and sorrow.
Life can be like a rollercoaster ride.
It goes up, and then it comes down, over and over again.
Or perhaps it's just me.
I can never understand myself sometimes.
Oh well.
为什么 会思念
为什么 会心痛
不再 想太多
不再 太多疑
简简单单的 跟着感觉
潇洒的 走一趟
"Journey of feeling"
If this is not love
why do I miss him so much
If this is not love
why does my heart aches
I wish
not to think too much
I wish
not to worry too much
I wish
my feelings could lead me
to a wonderful journey
of romance
Let me drown
in the sea of love
"爱, 是该用心去体会, 让感觉牵着自己走? 还是任凭理智的摆布, 在说任何话, 做任何事之前, 都必须深思熟虑?"
有的时候, 我觉得自己是爱情的刽子手. 因为自己的过度理智, 狠心的终止一段感情, 甚至大多数时候不让爱情的种子有萌芽的机会. 我小心翼翼的, 为的是不让自己冒可能被伤害的险. 在爱情的世界里面, 我是一个弱者. 因为我输不起, 我承受不了失败的爱情所带来的痛苦. 所以, 我无奈地牺牲了爱情.
我也曾经感性过, 无视旁人的劝告, 奉献出8年的青春, 义无反顾的追随爱情. 最后, 得到的却只有一颗破碎的心. 因此, 在感性和理性之间, 我选择了理性.
我真的不想再受伤了. 因为心灵所受的伤, 远比皮外伤更难复原.
有没有人可以告诉我, 我这么做, 错了吗?
Friday, October 5, 2007
happiness overdose
cuz I'm always in a happy mood
I talk excessively
and I can be annoying for my bluntness
I'm nothing but myself
cuz there's no one on this earth
who is exactly like me
In other words
I'm one in a million
I feel so good about myself
Thursday, October 4, 2007
my new addiction
For my addiction in blogging.
And I'm in critical condition.
Oh no!
Somebody rescue me.
当时的 年少无知
以前 不会
现在 不会
以后 更不会
一段 感情
就只有 遗憾
It's all because
I was young and foolish
All I said was
never before
never now
never in future
That's the reason why
a relationship passed me by
And all that's left now
is nothing but regret
因为 我知道自己不是一个公主
我不相信 一生一世的承诺
因为 这世界上失信的人太多
"All I want"
I do not believe in fairytale kind of love
for I know I'm not a princess
I do not believe in life long commitment
for people would just make and break promises
I'm only looking for
a strong and reliable shoulder
for me to cry on
when I'm sad
and hug with joy
when I'm happy
All I want
is really that

任何人都可以随时随地喜欢一个人. 不需要任何原因, 也不需要任何理由. 你可以同时喜欢好多好多的人, 或者事与物. 因为喜欢是一件很随性的事情.
但是, 爱却是完全另一回事. 但你爱上一个人, 那种俩人相处时的感动喜悦, 分开时的牵肠挂肚, 都让人深深着迷. 你的喜怒哀乐任由你所爱的那一个人紧紧的牵动着, 而虽然如此, 世界上无数人却也都心甘情愿. 爱, 真的很耐人寻味.
在爱的世界里, 它不象一场游戏, 因为它没有游戏规则, 所以无法断定是与非, 黑与白, 错与对. 开始的时候, 爱是激情. 一段日子以后, 它会演变成感情. 时间长以后, 剩下的就只有淡淡的, 犹如与家人之间的亲情. 它必须经的起时间和诱惑 的考验. 爱, 不是单纯一种感觉. 它附带着沉沉的责任和承诺. 对你另一半, 对你俩孕育的下一代, 和对双方家人的责任, 还有永远忠于伴侣和婚姻的承诺. 这是一生一世无法躲避的重担.
所以, 不要把 '我爱你' 这三个字随便挂在嘴边. 因为爱, 不是随便说说而已.
Monday, October 1, 2007
FCUK-ing ironic
That's.... me!
I'm waiting for = perfect man.
Perfect man = non-existent
Therefore, I am waiting for = nobody
That's why I'm still = S-I-N-G-L-E
It is a simple mathematics equation.
Now, is that ironic or what? :)
Does that makes you a 'no one' then? since you are reading my blog.
Hi there, no one! Thank you for reading my crappy blog! :)
boink boink boink ... all the way to Down Under!
Good ole' Perth & Brisbane - here I come!
Howdy, mate!
Muahahaha..... yipee yay yay!