Wednesday, December 5, 2007

busy like a bee

It's been a busy busy month for me. I've been tied up with preparation for moving into the new place with my sister, furniture and lightings hunting, painting the walls, cleaning, yadda yadda yadda. Speaking of which, I still have not found the perfect lights for my room! arghhhh.... I've decided to paint my room with a deep shade of pink called "Russet Rose". How romantic is that? hehe... I like I like!

In the midst of that, my ex-colleague from Hong Leong Bank was getting married, so I had to spare some time to attend her bridal shower, morning ceremony and dinner. Could barely feel my arms at dinner caused I was too tired from painting the house. But it was good catching up with them again after 8 years!!!

Will post some pictures of my new place once everything is done. Till then, expect me to keep slacking off in updating my blog! hehe...

From right: Chanel, June, lovely bride - Foong Myin and me!

With Chanel, her hubby Othneil and her son.

the city where the sun is in love with the land

I think I deserved to be spanked for being slacked in updating my blog. Here it goes, an overdue posting on my trip to Brisbane.

I was there recently with my cousin, Angie visiting my sister, Theresa. It's a city where the sun always shines and the sky is always blue. Over there, I woke up every morning to the sound of happy birds chirping in the backyard. It's so refreshing for my mind and my soul. Brisbane, it is indeed a very lovely city.

The trip was fun except it is too dry over there since Australia is practically a desert, and my skin got too dry and itchy. Ouch. On top of that, Queensland is having a level 5 water restriction due to little rainfall. So, we had to be very careful of water usage. Double ouch.

Anyway, here are some pictures I took in Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast.

Shopping @ Queen Street in the city (Note: the man behind me has gazillion of tattoos on his body!)

Sunshine Coast - lovely beach!

Aussie World @ Sunshine Coast

"Everybody do kungfu fighting! Hoo-hah! Oh Oh Oh Ohhhhh..."

Ahhh.. a lesson learnt on the way to the loo! hehe..

Oops! I did it again!?

Cute two-seater Harley! I wanna ride in it!

The "Big Pineapple" @ Sunshine Coast

Check out my new bf - the gingerbread man @ the Ginger Factory in Sunshine Coast

Dinner @ a Taiwanese restaurant with my cousin, sis and her friends.

Abalone! with yucky ginger and garlic chopped into a ugly looking paste on top of the abalone.

Gold Coast (Note: check out the guy behind me, he has piercing everywhere on his body! )

My dinner

My dessert! a must-have after every meal! can never get enough of ice-cream in Oz!

Simply divine! mouth watering Japanese cuisine!

Itsy bitsy cutesy Vespa in yellow. See how it matches my dress! hehe..

That pretty much sum up my trip in Brisbane. Left Brisbane for Perth after spending one week there. Spent another day in Perth and it's adios to Australia.

I still love Oz! I bet Oz loves me too! hahahaha....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

day six in Perth

Here are the places I have visited today.

1) Annalakshmi, an Indian vegetarian restaurant by Swan River. It's a restaurant whereby you "eat to your heart's content and pay what your heart feels".

View from the restaurant, overseeing Swan River and Kings Park.

The Perth Bell Tower, by Swan River. It was built after I left Perth years ago.

2) Northbridge, where Chinatown and all the nightspots are located.

It was one of my favourite hangout place in Perth for supper and ice cream!
We used to buy CDs, newspaper and magazines from HK from this shop, and rent TVB's cantonese series here.

3) Burswood Casino
Tried our luck at Keno and slot machine and had a beer with my cousin, Angie. Never into gambling, cuz I have no talent, no luck, no whatsoever. Missed the dimsum at their Chinese restaurant though. Their jellyfish is to die for!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

il gelato

Met up with my cousin, Kae Lim for gelato at Northbridge. It was 8 years ago when I last saw her and she was still in middle school then. Now, she's already 23 and working. It's unbelievable how time flies. Oh, did I tell you our birthdays fall on the same day? How bizarre? :)

We were planning to have Gelare ice cream with waffle since it's Tuesday and it's 50% off but it was too crowded so we went for gelato instead. Oh my gosh! Il Gelato, it's so much better than Gelare! Best gelato I've tasted so far! :)

Il Gelato @ Northbridge

Buy 1 free 1 every Tuesday night! Yipee!

My silly cousin, Kae Lim! Why am I blue? Blame on the crazy lightings!

rose rose I love you

My cousin, Angie brought me to Melville Nurseries, a rose garden today and I had a wonderful time. The little cafe there called Rose Heritage is heavenly, they even served drinks on ice cubes with rose petals in it. How romantic is that?

The Rose Heritage Cafe

Ice cubes with rose petals & Scone served with fresh cream and strawberry jam.

Melville Nurseries

My colourful summer dress matches the roses so well!

my cousin, Angie

Roses! Roses! and more roses!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


丘比特 在耳边 悄悄的说
请 把眼睛闭起
然后 将心房打开
请 卸下戒备
然后 放松心情
淘气的 丘比特
把箭头 向我瞄准
刹那间 幸福 在空气中弥漫

blast from the past

:PToday, I met an old friend and did a little catching up. It's always good to catch up with long lost friend where fond memories were rekindled over a cup of coffee. It reminded me again how good it was to be young and restless.

We turned back time and talked about our life back then. So many fun and crazy things we did together, like painting his nail in pink nail polish in his sleep, countless nights of partying, drinking ourselves silly and attending outrageous irc gathering where we call each other nothing but our oh-I-think-it's-so-cool nicknames.

It was all good until he popped the question, "So, why did you guys stop keeping in touch with me?". It took me totally off-guard. What actually happened to our friendship? When and why did we give up on our friendship? Then he went on and explained on how a small misunderstanding damaged our friendship and told me how upset he was back then.

I didn't know our friendship meant so much for him. He actually cared a lot for us. I guess we took his friendship for granted and didn't treasure it as much as we should. I did not realized how insensitive I was.

Ant, I should have said this to you earlier, but I didn't. I'm sorry for what happened and I feel bad for making your life miserable. Let's put it in the past and cherish the friendship we have, for good friends are not easy to come by.

Oriel Cafe in Subiaco - where I spent a lot of time hanging out at when I was studying in Perth.

Monday, November 12, 2007

friends vs soulmate

I had a chat with a friend online awhile ago. Here is what the conversation was about.

friend: Hey. I can tell from your blog that you are really bored with life.
me: Yeah. I need a little zest to boost my life.
friend: How are you planning to do that?
me: *shrug* I don't know. Maybe start a new romance. I'm feeling very lonely.
friend: Huh? I thought you have lots of friends. Why do you need romance when you already have friends?
me: *speechless*

Not that I have anything against friendship. Friendship is one of the greatest thing that happened in my life. But soulmate can never be replaced by friends. No matter how many friends you have, life will never be complete without a soulmate. At least it is true for me. If friendship is all one need, then why does the cast in "Friends" looks for romance endlessly?

Everybody need a soulmate somehow, somewhere, sometime in their life. Everybody need somebody whom you can share your deepest darkest secrets, whom you can unmask yourself, and be who you really are, somebody whom you can run to for shelter when you need support.

Having been through a few failed relationship doesn't mean I should shut myself out from loving and being loved. Just like everybody else, I'm only human. I'm tired of being independent, tired of having to make decision for my life where nothing but a lonely road awaits ahead.

I don't need a reason. I just want to follow my heart and do the right thing.

I *heart* Sony

Just a few shots taken with my new Sony T20 digital camera at a party held at my cousin's place in Perth, Australia.
The reason for this purchase? I packed my charger for my old Nikon camera but forgot to pack the camera itself! Damn! Got so pissed off I went and bought this camera in Singapore.
Guess what? It's pink in colour and so gdmf-ing sexy! I'm loving it!!