Tuesday, May 27, 2008

i wanna go home

I wanna go home. I wanna go home. I wanna go home. And I mean my REAL home. Not this crappy place.

Why is this place crappy?

People here walk fast, extremely fast. Sometimes they will hit into you when they try to squeeze their way through. Whether or not it is accidental or intentional, none of them will stop and apologize. That's rude.

Unless you can afford to dine at really 'atas' restaurants all the time, dining can be hell-like at most Hong Kong style fast food chain and typical neighbourhood 'char chan teng'. Their service staff are impatient and always rush you through orders, and they make sure that the word I-M-P-T-I-E-N-T is written all over their face. Not friendly at all.

People drive recklessly here. They speed and refuse to slow down while negotiating corners. Perhaps they think that they are racing at a track! It is so goddamn dangerous especially roads are so narrow in Hong Kong.

And the weather. Yes. The WEATHER. It is totally absolutely definitely unbearable. Humidity kills! BIG TIME! I'm melting like a candle on sunny days. Otherwise, it can be raining like cats and dogs! Geez... everyday before stepping out of the house, I gotta contemplate on whether to bring or not to bring..... umbrealla!

Of course, there are still the bright side of Hong Kong. Afterall, it's a food haven, shopping paradise and home to all cantonese tv series we all grew up watching. Hey! you could easily bump into a celebrity walking on the street, or even dining at a restaurant.

Sadly, none of these appeal to me. 'Cause nothing beats home-cooked meals. Excessive shopping burns hole in my wallet. Celebrities? who cares about them.

That is why, I've been marking down on my calendar at work, crossing dates and hoping time can fly. I have no sense of belonging here. Neither have I got a life.

I wonder. Is it the changing weather? my age that is catching up? or purely the result of PMS?

I'm dead serious about wanting to go home though. sianz.

Monday, May 26, 2008

lwf @ hong kong

Last Saturday, my colleagues and I decided to hit the cinema for the latest release of Indiana Jones at IFC. After that, we went and ate to our heart's content at a famous restaurant at Central, the meal complete with roast duck, suckling pig, century eggs and winter melon soup. Forgive me please as I was too busy eating and forgot to take pictures!

We went to Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong's famous pub street where there was a street party going on. It was really crowded! Went to check out a gay bar called Volume too... really an eye opener. But not as dodgy as I thought. Overall, a pretty interesting night out.

Here's some pictures I took. And NO. I wasn't drunk. Just that my camera doesn't work very well under night mode. hahaha...

blow up dolls display! haha...

My colleagues cum housemates for the 4 mths I'm in HK.

a freaky guy in egyptian costume.

Bought a souvenier shot glass here. Only at hkd20 each.

fell in a shopping trap

Really. There's nothing much for me to do in Hong Kong except to go shopping. And let me tell you this is really not a cheap way of spending time. Sigh. Get me outta HK. Quick! Quick!

This is what I just bought today. Some plastic watch from Belgium. Come packed in a cute little lego-like box, which you can use as a piggy bank after that. Costs HKD399 each. Cheaper than a Swatch really. Not too bad for a fun fashion watch.

This is what I'm very tempted to buy ALSO! More 'icey' feel than the one I got. It's the classic collection.

Hrmm... now I wonder. How much is too much shopping? Shall I indulge and buy another one? Shall I? Shall I not??

Check it out if you are interested too.

he's just not so into you

I read a book lately. Title of the book: "he's just not so into you" by Greg Behrendt & Liz Tucillo.

The book says, he is just not that into you if he's NOT:
1) Asking you out
2) Calling you
3) Dating you
4) Having sex with you

or if he's:
5) Having sex with someone else
6) Only wants to see you when he is drunk
7) Doesn't want to marry you
8) Breaking up with you
9) Disappeared on you
10) Married
11) A selfish jerk/ bully or a really big freak

Interesting. But after reading the book, I'm still confused. What a waste of time. But then again, I have lots of time to kill. So, what's there to waste in the first place? Duh.

If only relationship can be as easy as 1, 2, 3 or a, b, c. Damn. Can't live with it, can't live without it! Somebody kill me please!