Wednesday, June 18, 2008

celebrate! celebrate! celebrate!

There are two things that call for a celebration today.

Firstly, this is my 100th post on my blog. Woohooo.... 100 post!! Imagine that? I've been blabbering about anything, everything, whether or not it make sense or not, 100 is really some kind of achievement! I'm so damn proud of myself.

Subsequently, a pleasant surprise appeared today at work. *Drum roll* I was offered a job with the company I'm currently freelancing for!! Double-woohoooooo.... apparently the MD and senior management of the company are impressed with our performance and offered us a permanent job with them. Now, even hongkies think I am capable! Is that some kind of achievement or what?

Oh my gosh. I'm so full of myself today. I think my ego is so boosted I can't stand myself. *rotfl*.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

dangerously beautiful

My friend from across the world posted some pictures of a very interesting plant on her blog. It's called the digitalis, also known as foxglove. Apparently this plant is very toxic.

I happen to have seen a similar plant at the rose garden in Perth. I wonder if they are the same.

Foxglove. It's so exotic. So beautiful. But yet so deadly. I wish I could be toxic like them. Hrmm....

Sunday, June 1, 2008

my true love

I have. finally. found. the love. of. my. life.

And he is *drum roll*.........Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy! Omigosh! It's so freaking good! It's so creamy. So smooth. So rich. So chewy! It totally took my breath away! So, whenever I see a Ben & Jerry scoop shop, I will without fail get myself a scoop of Chocolate Therapy. It sure bring a teeny weeny bit of excitement to my boring life here. Eventhough it's not one of the top ten flavour of Ben & Jerry's, I still love it whole-heartedly.

Dont' forget to check out their website. It's so C-U-T-E! And I learn so much about ice-cream making after taking a virtual tour. And the most interesting part of their website is the "Flavour Graveyard" for the dearly departed flavour. The animation in there is so coooooool. And this graveyard, it's not just virtual. Ben & Jerry actually has a graveyard built for this somewhere at their factory! How cool is that?

Okay. Enough blabbering about Ben & Jerry. And nope. I don't get paid for recommending their products. *bleah* I wonder where can I get a scoop of Chocolate Therapy at 11:30pm? Hrmm....damn! shouldn't have blog about ice-cream! I want a scoop of Chocolate Therapy!!!