Tuesday, April 28, 2009

of twilight, new moon and more....

There's a sense of emptiness in me right now. It's not caused by loneliness. Neither is it caused by boredom. It's simply because I always feel that way after reading a good book or watching a good movie.

"Twilight" was a gift from my sister in Australia to younger sister. She ordered it online for her because my younger sister has always has this fascination with vampires, ghost, monsters, etc etc. However, she's not much into reading. So, when I have finished reading every single books I owned, and also my sister-in-law's collection, I started reading "Twilight". Geezzz. I got hooked on the book ever since. I even went to the mall immediately right after I finished "Twilight" just to get its sequel - "New Moon".

And now, I have finished "New Moon", there is a sense of emptiness overtaking me. Arghhh. I need to read the next book a.s.a.p! Or I'll die... while waiting for the book to arrive! (note: my sister is ordering the rest of its collection online for me! yay!).

By the way, my younger sister still refused to read "Twilight". She said stories about vampire should be scary and horrifying. It shouldn't have anything to do with romance. Hrmmm.... duh! Fine! Don't read it then! You don't know what you are missing.....

Oh yeah, I found "New Moon" at the "Teenage Reading" corner at the book store. *blush* Now, I hope my friends don't mind me reading kids stuff! hahaha.... it's my secret indulgence, it makes me feel refresh, alive and Y-O-U-N-G! woohooooo..... nobody's stopping me! :)

the shocking truth

damn it! damn it! In a few months time, I'll be officially belong to the 'middle-aged' group!! I'd just realized it! Unbelievable. I mean I was still living life as an irresponsible adult, doing whatever my heart desires without having to worry about its consequences and now, in a blink of an eye, I'll be turning into middle-aged!?!? Omigosh! What has this world become!?

I reject! I object! I refuse! I do NOT want to turn middle-aged! Not even when there are visible sign of wrinkles showing around my eyes! Not when my metabolism rate is dropping so fast that I find it harder and harder to lose weight! And not when a 5-minute walk up hill makes my heart paces like there is no tomorrow! I simply reject!

Ummm... is there some kind of secret potion I could take to remain young as my life? Like those taken by the Chinese emperor in the thousand of years back? *sulk* I want to stay young F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

and the wedding bell rings.....

Hah! This time round I wouldn't be bothered to explain why I have abandoned my blog for so long. Well, I figured if there is nothing exciting happening around, there is really no point in blogging just for the sake of blogging. This remained so until I received the news that a dear friend of mine from uni has decided to get married...and she is none other than ... *drumroll* - Ms. Ng Yem Wei! :)
Since she has literally rejects herself from the the magnificent invention of the internet (apart from work-related usage), I have taken the liberty to post some of her wedding photos for your viewing pleasure.