Monday, July 23, 2007

liu-lian liu-lian wo ai ni!

It's the season of king of all tropical fruits, the almighty durian! The sweet but yet pungent smell of durian seems to have casted a spell on me that I go all goo-goo-gaa-gaa over the sight of it.

Mom bought some durian today. We were supposed to have it for dessert after dinner but my brother and sister-in-law left home for their weekly 'pasar malam' ritual.

Shit, the durians were screaming 'eat me! eat me!' nonstop in my head.

'I have to eat it or I'll go insane! I won't be able to focus on my work if I don't', a little voice keep whispering in my mind.

But but but... never in my life have I attempt to open a durian. The sweet fruits hiding inside the hard shells with thorns so sharp it could pierce right through your skin and make you bleed!

(Note: my favourite line for the married women: "Best punishment for hubby if required - get them to kneel on durian shells!" It works! At least it will scare the shit outta them! haha)

Okay. Let's get things started. I was desperate.

Step 1: Lay newspaper on the floor. Lots of it. To prevent scratches on the marvellous marble flooring.

Step 2: Get a thick kitchen towel and a good knife (those for chopping is required).

Step 3: Select a durian that looks less harmless (eg. thorn not so sharp, perfect round fruit may be easier to open)

Step 4: Hold the durian with kitchen towel with one hand and the knife on the other.

Step 5: Aim at the butt of the fruit, and "Chop!" with all your strength.

Step 6: If fails, please chop it repeatedly. (Hint: a good stress reliefing exercise, just imagine it as your enemy's head!)

Step 7: Peel it open and dig the golden-yellow fruits out of the shell with your fingers. (Caution: do not use any utensil. This fruit is meant to be eaten with your fingers. It's finger-licking good! Not even KFC can keep up to that slogan!)

Voila! Now you can enjoy the sweet success of your hard labour.

Phew! It was hard work but it's all worthwhile. I can still smell the sweet taste of the fruit when I burp! hahaha....

Oh. Did I meantion that I injured my wrist from the thorn when trying out my first attempt?

Managed to open all 4 durians. Is that some kinda achievenment or what? hahaha ... I'm so proud of myself.

Go Kat go!!!!


sleepiekoala said...

apalah...i can open lulian with a butter knife...:P

Swee Lyn said...

YUMMMMMM... The durian looks so yummy. I wanna have some :(