1. From wikipedia, a minor character in a comic called 'Nuklear Age'.

Katkat (from wikipedia)
"Don't tell me. Kat because he's a cat, and Kat because he's also a cat,"
A regular house cat that befriends Nuklear Man in the middle of a mission to save the city (and especially Angus) from the Crushtacean.
2. A racing team named after katkat!

3. A cuttlefish flavoured snack made in Malaysia, and it only costs RM0.20!

4. A laser/radar detector!

5. An On-line ladies fashion Boutique selling exclusive Bespoke clothing and accessories handmade in-house in Great Britain.

and...a gazillion of people with the same nickname! Dammit! These people really lack originality! copy cat! *bleah* stole my nickname! *ahem* I have to admit... I've got taste! People simply fall in love with K-A-T-k-a-t! *proud*
Now, imagine me as the house cat with super power that dressed in classy made-to-order fashion pieces, who loves cuttlefish flavoured snacks, and races car during her past time. Not to forget she owns a radar that detects lamers! So, lamers! Stay out of my blog! muahaha... I think I can conquer the world now! *evil laugh*
*shake head** mouliu...:p
I am indeed! n u r not the only one who commented!!
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