Monday, March 31, 2008

chinese university hong kong

Went to Chinese University Hong Kong for a site inspection for our congress and captured some pictures. They university sits on a hill and has really nice scenery around. It's definitely a great change for me from the bustling city to such a serene environment. Not to mentioned it was almost graduation and we spotted lots of Graduates taking pictures in their gown. Ahh... how I wished I could turn back clock and go back to my uni days. If only we could travel in time, life would be perfect!

there's an infinity pool (pond?) where the water touches the sky. Too bad it was hazy that day. Can't see very clearly.

Some alphabets lying around in front of the library and this combination caught my attention!

Another picture with great view.

Needless to explain. It's spring and flowers are blossoming!

One of the many gardens in the university compound.

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