Monday, April 21, 2008

never confuse movement with action

That's right! Do not get confused! Think before you act or your action will be meaningless and regarded as plain movement....
What the hell am I talking about? Ignore me. I ran out of things to blog about!

Friday, April 11, 2008

stress with a capital s

I'm a foreigner in HK. I don't know my way around very well. Therefore, I can't write a detail instruction on ways to get from one place to another through various mode of public transportation. The MTR (Mass Transit Railway) alone has the Island line, Kwun Tong line, Tsuen Wan line, Tsueng Kwan O line, blah blah blah. It's f**king C-O-N-F-U-S-I-N-G!

It doesn't require much intelligence to understand that it's a ridiculous task for me, does it? So, why can't she see the point? Clients can be so unreasonable sometimes. Arghhh....what a stressful day at work!

Check out the network map and you'll know what I mean...


I noticed that the pace in HK is really fast, to a rather scary extend. So, in order to blend in, I walk as fast as the locals. I'll forever be trying to cut through crowd, rushing through traffic eventhough there's oncoming vehicles. For that, my colleagues cum housemates call me the 'cheong-ster'!(Remark: "cheong" is in Hokkien)

HK, ready or not, here I come! cheong ah! cheong ah! hehe....

More photos I took @ Mega Box, the mall near my office.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

room with a view

Some random pictures I took of the view from my apartment.

Sunset. The cloud on the sky is really mesmerizing.

Night view. Can't resist to take this pictures as it was windy and the sky was incredibly clear. Simply breathtaking.

Was playing with my Sony T20 camera's night mode. Shaked the camera vigorously to achieve this effect. It was fun!
Another shot. Love the effect.

i own a boutique

My boutique. It has to be mine since it's named after me. Wishful thinking more like it! Spotted this at another mall near my office, Mega Box @ Kowloon Bay.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

sanrio fever

One thing for sure HK is never short of.... the sight of Hello Kitty!! Took these during lunch at the shopping mall near my office....

Sunday, April 6, 2008

gastronomic journey of instant noodle

After few rounds of crazy shopping spree, this is the only thing I could afford for dinner.

Check it out. It comes with an braised hard boiled egg and meat! Impressive?


I'm on the verge of going broke with excessive shopping in HK. Scroll down to see the damage. Bear in mind is only a small fraction of the total purchase I made! tsk tsk tsk....I despise myself!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


some say
distance can be beautiful
I say
distance is painful
just as I was about to go
and just as I was about to give up
there you appeared
should I or shouldn't I
give it a try
I wished I'd know
because nothing else seems to matter now
when distance
is the only thing that matters

Friday, April 4, 2008

where is stanley?

It's a public holiday in Hong Kong today due to Ching Ming festival. Me and my housemates decided to venture into Stanley for an alternative experience in Hong Kong.

The weather was nice despite forecasted rain, it was sunny with a little fog. The journey there on a double decker bus was fun. We get a great view of Ocean Park and Repulse Bay along the way and drooled non-stop at the nice villas. It's my second time to Stanley but this time round, I appreciate Stanley more than before. Felt so relaxed in comparison to the hustle and bustle of city life in the other part of Hong Kong. Had a satisfying lunch, a smoked salmon sandwich with a Hoegarden beer. Perfect way to kick start the day.

We then went hunting high and low for bargain on factory knock-offs at Stanley market! Bought a pair of Calvin Klein jeans at HKD200! Truly value for money! hehe... now, who's the shopping queen?

Here's some pictures I took at Stanley....

hongkee vs singkee

Sometime last week, we met up a colleague from work for drinks at Tsim Sa Tsui, Kowloon after work.

We were at Havanna, a cigar bar. Hong Kong has banned smoking indoor for quite some time now. The moment we walked in, I was pretty shocked to see the place filled with smoke from cigarettes. Woohooo... I was sooooo happy! A ciggies party!!! However, the place is sort of 'salah' for us. The pub was full of uncles and aunties! *beep* wrong crowd! A bit 'sian' already.

Something rather 'interesting' happened that night though. We met a middle aged hongkee guy and had a little conversation with him and it went like this:

Hongkee man walked over to our table. Hongkee lady, our colleague, introduced us to him.
hongkee lady: "Hey! These are my friends from Singapore!"
hongkee man: "Oh! I've been to Singapore in 1982 and I was involved in the Raffles project."
We thought hrrmmmmm...big deal....
hongkee man: "You know, I hate bloody Singaporean. They asked me, hey you hongkee, why come to Singapore? I said, you bloody S-I-N-G-K-E-E! You f**king lazy! You are jeolous of us!"
We were so shocked our eyeballs almost drop onto the floor!
hongkee man: "You know, I'm from Liverpool. I speak the Queen's English."
By then we wanted to smash his head and kick his bloody ENGLISH ass off. Unless he was borned in UK, he is just another immigrant who happens to hold UK passport! Big deal! big deal! *bleah*
He walked away awhile after we ignore his presence.
A new terminology learnt - 'SINGKEE'. Interesting. Lucky I'm not one! *phew*

He is such a jerk nonetheless!