Friday, April 11, 2008


I noticed that the pace in HK is really fast, to a rather scary extend. So, in order to blend in, I walk as fast as the locals. I'll forever be trying to cut through crowd, rushing through traffic eventhough there's oncoming vehicles. For that, my colleagues cum housemates call me the 'cheong-ster'!(Remark: "cheong" is in Hokkien)

HK, ready or not, here I come! cheong ah! cheong ah! hehe....

More photos I took @ Mega Box, the mall near my office.


Swee Lyn said...

look so ladylike and 'see mun' in the photo.

your lunch looks delicious too.. char siew with soya chicken?? :)

KATkat said...

uh-huh! Char Siu with soya chicken rice! yummy yummy!! :)
si mun meh? fake si mun lor! hehehe...