As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
bailey - the princess
This is my sister's dog - Bailey. She can be so adorable. She posed on my sister's bed like a fluffy toy after my sister changed her sheets. How cute is that?
your sister's doggy so stylo one.. got scarf somemore!! hehe :) i like her bedroom too.. nice! :)
u still haven't showed photo of your new red bedsheet leh! :P
huh? since when I got red bedsheet? choi! getting married meh? use red bedsheets! hehehe...
ooops... maybe it wasnt red.. but you said you bought some new bedsheets for your room but were only going to use it during CNY
oiii...update blogggggg la!
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