Monday, August 20, 2007

highway of nowhere

Have you ever been stranded in the highway, in the middle of nowhere? Well, I have.

Last Sunday, I tagged along with a friend to Teluk Intan to deliver some goods to his dealer. The warning sign for fuel started flashing right after we hit the highway. I was horrified. My friend kept his cool. Telling me that the fuel is good enough to last us till we hit the next petrol station. I didn't believe him. I think he was simply pushing his luck but I had no choice. He was the one driving. Arghhh.

We were only 10km away from the next exit. The car's engine suddenly stop running and the car stalled. Oh my god. There we were. Stranded in the highway of nowhere.

We pulled off the road. My friend walked to get the number to call for highway petrol while I waited in the car. Damn it. So many cars drove passed and I felt like a monkey in the zoo. 'Cause everyone stared when they drove passed. Arghhh arghh...

We were told that the highway petrol will get here in 30 minutes time. To our delight, they arrived in less than 10 minutes. Filled up some petrol for the car and off we go. Hey, I'm really impressed with their efficiency. Finally, there is something in Malaysia that I can be proud of. Kudos to the highway petrol!

There you go. Another one of my 'first' to be added to my list.

oh what a night...

It's a beautiful night. I can hear the rain drizzling out there. The music playing on the radio station set a relaxing mood. It's a night like this I enjoy the most.

I sit in front of my computer, waiting to cross path with some strangers in the virtual world. Chatting just about anything, nonsense mostly. I observe. I see, I see with my many lonely souls out there, dying to meet that special someone, trying just about any way they could. Believing strongly that there is hope in the wonderful world of cyberspace, that their prayers will be answered, and they will finally find 'the one'.

To some, that is romantic. To me, it is absolute idiotic. I enjoy listening to their stories nonetheless.

Oh what a night.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

thinking out loud

There was a car crash scene in the movie I watched last night. The impact the scene had on me was so strong, it really shocked me. I guess it is only natural I felt that way after hearing the tragedy that happened to my colleague's boyfriend.

It could be a hint. A hint from god, to tell me life is not as bad as I thought.

So, I have made up my mind. I vowed to love myself more from today onwards. I vowed to cherish each and everyday as if it is the last day I live on earth. And to those that I truly consider friends, if I have never tell you this, I love every single one of you with all my heart.

Cause without you, life will never be the same.

what is love?

He loves her so. She loves him just as much. They have been together for more than a year. It is not easy maintaining a long distance relationship but there was no choice as he had to work abroad. Sacrifices in hope for a better future together.

It was her birthday. He promised to come back just to celebrate this special occasion. He is a fan of super bike. He rode his favourite bike across country's border to see his favourite gal.

He could almost see the lights at home, a mere 2 kilometres away from home. He heard a loud crashing sound and then he lost consciousness.

She waited at home until wee hours in the morning. Still could not get in touch with him. She got worried.

The next morning, she went to work as usual. She wondered, what worse could happen. It's her birthday and she couldn't wait to celebrate with her loved one. At 11am, her phone rang. His friend called. He didn't make it.

It is a touching love story. It is a tragedy. But it is real.

My deepest condolences goes to you, Suet Yi, my colleague at work.