Thursday, November 15, 2007

day six in Perth

Here are the places I have visited today.

1) Annalakshmi, an Indian vegetarian restaurant by Swan River. It's a restaurant whereby you "eat to your heart's content and pay what your heart feels".

View from the restaurant, overseeing Swan River and Kings Park.

The Perth Bell Tower, by Swan River. It was built after I left Perth years ago.

2) Northbridge, where Chinatown and all the nightspots are located.

It was one of my favourite hangout place in Perth for supper and ice cream!
We used to buy CDs, newspaper and magazines from HK from this shop, and rent TVB's cantonese series here.

3) Burswood Casino
Tried our luck at Keno and slot machine and had a beer with my cousin, Angie. Never into gambling, cuz I have no talent, no luck, no whatsoever. Missed the dimsum at their Chinese restaurant though. Their jellyfish is to die for!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

il gelato

Met up with my cousin, Kae Lim for gelato at Northbridge. It was 8 years ago when I last saw her and she was still in middle school then. Now, she's already 23 and working. It's unbelievable how time flies. Oh, did I tell you our birthdays fall on the same day? How bizarre? :)

We were planning to have Gelare ice cream with waffle since it's Tuesday and it's 50% off but it was too crowded so we went for gelato instead. Oh my gosh! Il Gelato, it's so much better than Gelare! Best gelato I've tasted so far! :)

Il Gelato @ Northbridge

Buy 1 free 1 every Tuesday night! Yipee!

My silly cousin, Kae Lim! Why am I blue? Blame on the crazy lightings!

rose rose I love you

My cousin, Angie brought me to Melville Nurseries, a rose garden today and I had a wonderful time. The little cafe there called Rose Heritage is heavenly, they even served drinks on ice cubes with rose petals in it. How romantic is that?

The Rose Heritage Cafe

Ice cubes with rose petals & Scone served with fresh cream and strawberry jam.

Melville Nurseries

My colourful summer dress matches the roses so well!

my cousin, Angie

Roses! Roses! and more roses!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


丘比特 在耳边 悄悄的说
请 把眼睛闭起
然后 将心房打开
请 卸下戒备
然后 放松心情
淘气的 丘比特
把箭头 向我瞄准
刹那间 幸福 在空气中弥漫

blast from the past

:PToday, I met an old friend and did a little catching up. It's always good to catch up with long lost friend where fond memories were rekindled over a cup of coffee. It reminded me again how good it was to be young and restless.

We turned back time and talked about our life back then. So many fun and crazy things we did together, like painting his nail in pink nail polish in his sleep, countless nights of partying, drinking ourselves silly and attending outrageous irc gathering where we call each other nothing but our oh-I-think-it's-so-cool nicknames.

It was all good until he popped the question, "So, why did you guys stop keeping in touch with me?". It took me totally off-guard. What actually happened to our friendship? When and why did we give up on our friendship? Then he went on and explained on how a small misunderstanding damaged our friendship and told me how upset he was back then.

I didn't know our friendship meant so much for him. He actually cared a lot for us. I guess we took his friendship for granted and didn't treasure it as much as we should. I did not realized how insensitive I was.

Ant, I should have said this to you earlier, but I didn't. I'm sorry for what happened and I feel bad for making your life miserable. Let's put it in the past and cherish the friendship we have, for good friends are not easy to come by.

Oriel Cafe in Subiaco - where I spent a lot of time hanging out at when I was studying in Perth.

Monday, November 12, 2007

friends vs soulmate

I had a chat with a friend online awhile ago. Here is what the conversation was about.

friend: Hey. I can tell from your blog that you are really bored with life.
me: Yeah. I need a little zest to boost my life.
friend: How are you planning to do that?
me: *shrug* I don't know. Maybe start a new romance. I'm feeling very lonely.
friend: Huh? I thought you have lots of friends. Why do you need romance when you already have friends?
me: *speechless*

Not that I have anything against friendship. Friendship is one of the greatest thing that happened in my life. But soulmate can never be replaced by friends. No matter how many friends you have, life will never be complete without a soulmate. At least it is true for me. If friendship is all one need, then why does the cast in "Friends" looks for romance endlessly?

Everybody need a soulmate somehow, somewhere, sometime in their life. Everybody need somebody whom you can share your deepest darkest secrets, whom you can unmask yourself, and be who you really are, somebody whom you can run to for shelter when you need support.

Having been through a few failed relationship doesn't mean I should shut myself out from loving and being loved. Just like everybody else, I'm only human. I'm tired of being independent, tired of having to make decision for my life where nothing but a lonely road awaits ahead.

I don't need a reason. I just want to follow my heart and do the right thing.

I *heart* Sony

Just a few shots taken with my new Sony T20 digital camera at a party held at my cousin's place in Perth, Australia.
The reason for this purchase? I packed my charger for my old Nikon camera but forgot to pack the camera itself! Damn! Got so pissed off I went and bought this camera in Singapore.
Guess what? It's pink in colour and so gdmf-ing sexy! I'm loving it!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


The question is,
where do you find love?
When you do,
how do you tell if it's real?
If it's real,
do you give in to love?
Tell me, when love strikes, what would you do?
Run away? Or embrace it?

Good Ole' Perth

Here I am. Back in Perth. After 8 years. So much memories. So long ago. It is strange. I feel like, I'm home again.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

KATkat - the almighty

Today, I got so bored I googled 'Katkat', the nickname I use on msn and guess what I found?

1. From wikipedia, a minor character in a comic called 'Nuklear Age'.

Katkat (from wikipedia)
"Don't tell me. Kat because he's a cat, and Kat because he's also a cat,"
A regular house cat that befriends Nuklear Man in the middle of a mission to save the city (and especially Angus) from the Crushtacean.

2. A racing team named after katkat!

3. A cuttlefish flavoured snack made in Malaysia, and it only costs RM0.20!

4. A laser/radar detector!

5. An On-line ladies fashion Boutique selling exclusive Bespoke clothing and accessories handmade in-house in Great Britain.

and...a gazillion of people with the same nickname! Dammit! These people really lack originality! copy cat! *bleah* stole my nickname! *ahem* I have to admit... I've got taste! People simply fall in love with K-A-T-k-a-t! *proud*

Now, imagine me as the house cat with super power that dressed in classy made-to-order fashion pieces, who loves cuttlefish flavoured snacks, and races car during her past time. Not to forget she owns a radar that detects lamers! So, lamers! Stay out of my blog! muahaha... I think I can conquer the world now! *evil laugh*

conversation with my soul

My laptop had a discussion with me lately. After which, I had a conversation with my soul in search for a solution to a very 'serious' problem.

me: eh! you haven't been blogging for the quite awhile now.
my soul: *sigh* got nothing to blog about.
me: what do you mean got nothing to blog about? You can blog about the shape of the cloud, the growth of your toe nails, the amount of mosquitos you killed, yadda yadda yadda.
my soul: oh puh-leaseeee. Unlike you, I have integrity. I don't blog about crap and nonsense. Just leave me alone.
me: *wonder* how to? you are part of me, u fool!
my soul: *_________* damn it!

Unlike her and her, I don't have anybody to have a conversation with. So, I talk to myself and my laptop. No. I'm not insane, I'm just crazy! *grin*

Sunday, November 4, 2007

meiyang chang - a true indian idol

There are videos on Youtube that you will watch and forget about it. But this particular video really had me mesmerized and urged me to share it with you. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you - Meiyang Chang, an true 'Indian Idol'.

What impressed me most is not just his talent in singing. A third generation Chinese, borned and raised in India, not only is he articulate, he reads and writes well in local language. When the show host introduced him with this statement, "His surname is Chang, but his heart is Indian", the crowd applaud in recognition.

A dentist by profession, it did not deter his interest in singing. When he first appeared on 'Indian Idol', he looks just like an average Joe. But when he sings, the aura that glow around him is simply magical. His voice touched so many heart including mine even though I had no clue what the song is about.

He is the pride of us Chinese that survive in a foreign land. Chang, you made us proud!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Comic strip - act kewt!

one more! one more! I'm so addicted! but then again.... judging at my 3-minute-passion nature, I guess I shall stop at two so you don't have to suffer looking at the try-too-hard-to-be-funny comic strips of mine! muahaha....

a comic strip!

comic strip - i *heart* hello kitty

a comic strip!

I found an interesting website where I can personalize comic strips without having to use Photoshop. Quite cool for idiot like me! like it?

Check it out!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

idiot's guide to gaining popularity for a blog

After days of research done online, I have concluded that you need the following in your blog to gain popularity.

1. chic factor
Look. Everybody loves all things beautiful. If you are drop dead gorgeous, you score brownie point in getting noticed and gaining popularity, and this is irregardless of your writing skill. Better still, if you come with a beauty pageant title, like her . If not, you could beautify yourself by getting a plastic surgery, eg. nose job, like her. Hot blooded male will be flocking into your blog like hungry ants over dead cockroach.

Would you like to read her blog?
Or hers?

2. creativity & sense of humor
This, you either have it or you don't. Some people try hard to be funny, but no matter how hard they try, they are simply just NOT funny. Unlike him, who can make you roll on the floor laughing so hard you could get a heart attack!

3. camwhoring
This is crucial. Camwhoring is a must in the world of blogging. After all, everyone has a kaypoh nature (it means nosy according to Oxford 'Hokkien' Dictionary). They want to know how you look like, how your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/pet/underwear looks like, how your toilet looks like (No kidding! I noticed a lot of people like to camwhore in the toilet. Weird but true.), what you ate, and if possible, they would also want to see what your poo-poo looks like!

4. Photoshop(PS) skill
With PS, you could make yourself slimmer, taller, prettier, mascular and the list goes on and on. Call it a virtual surgery or a digital make up. Whatever it is, with PS, you could look as good as those models on billboards (you could even make your boobs/crotch looks like the models in the CK underwear ad, without having to sponge your boobs or place a banana in your underwear!). PS is like the new BOTOX, only cheaper! Make just about everyone looks hot in a blink of an eye.

Before & After

5. talent in photography or culinary
This way, you could do a travel blog or a food blog. Ah well, some being super-kiasu would research a lot before venturing into a new country/restaurant, so there are millions of people google-ing for information of such, like this and that.

Photos courtesy of a friend.

Looking at all the factors up there, now it's time I do a self evaluation. Chic factor - nil, creativity/sense of humor - tried too hard but failed, camwhoring - not good looking enough so can't be bothered, PS skill - don't even know how to touch up my pictures to make my skin glow and pimples and wrinkles to disappear, and last but not least, talent in photography or culinary - none, my biggest talent is sleeping, which will not help in gaining popularity for my blog.
So, me and my blog, we are doomed. *sob*sob*

Or perhaps, I could do this?

Maybe, just maybe......