Monday, November 12, 2007

friends vs soulmate

I had a chat with a friend online awhile ago. Here is what the conversation was about.

friend: Hey. I can tell from your blog that you are really bored with life.
me: Yeah. I need a little zest to boost my life.
friend: How are you planning to do that?
me: *shrug* I don't know. Maybe start a new romance. I'm feeling very lonely.
friend: Huh? I thought you have lots of friends. Why do you need romance when you already have friends?
me: *speechless*

Not that I have anything against friendship. Friendship is one of the greatest thing that happened in my life. But soulmate can never be replaced by friends. No matter how many friends you have, life will never be complete without a soulmate. At least it is true for me. If friendship is all one need, then why does the cast in "Friends" looks for romance endlessly?

Everybody need a soulmate somehow, somewhere, sometime in their life. Everybody need somebody whom you can share your deepest darkest secrets, whom you can unmask yourself, and be who you really are, somebody whom you can run to for shelter when you need support.

Having been through a few failed relationship doesn't mean I should shut myself out from loving and being loved. Just like everybody else, I'm only human. I'm tired of being independent, tired of having to make decision for my life where nothing but a lonely road awaits ahead.

I don't need a reason. I just want to follow my heart and do the right thing.

1 comment:

Swee Lyn said...

so who's this guy? tell tell tell :)