Wednesday, December 5, 2007

busy like a bee

It's been a busy busy month for me. I've been tied up with preparation for moving into the new place with my sister, furniture and lightings hunting, painting the walls, cleaning, yadda yadda yadda. Speaking of which, I still have not found the perfect lights for my room! arghhhh.... I've decided to paint my room with a deep shade of pink called "Russet Rose". How romantic is that? hehe... I like I like!

In the midst of that, my ex-colleague from Hong Leong Bank was getting married, so I had to spare some time to attend her bridal shower, morning ceremony and dinner. Could barely feel my arms at dinner caused I was too tired from painting the house. But it was good catching up with them again after 8 years!!!

Will post some pictures of my new place once everything is done. Till then, expect me to keep slacking off in updating my blog! hehe...

From right: Chanel, June, lovely bride - Foong Myin and me!

With Chanel, her hubby Othneil and her son.


Swee Lyn said...

when are you planning to move in? before CNY? can't wait for photos of your new house :)

KATkat said...

by end of december...but dun b shocked when u c the photos...u know how loud my taste is! muahaha

sleepiekoala said...

oiiiii....where have u been...update blog larrrrrrrrrrr......quick quick take lotsa pix...:P

KATkat said... new house got no broadband la... no internet access unless I go back to my mom's place! sucks!
will update my blog 'soon'! hehe