Monday, March 10, 2008

one two free

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I can never apologize enough for not updating my blog. I've been extremely extraordinarily exceptionally busy lately. So, I'll try to summarize everything in this entry.

My sister, Theresa came back from Australia for a month long holidays. Being Chinese, we were busy with preparation for Chinese new year, although the actual celebration is not that fantastic as there is hardly any festive mood this year. I wonder why but I guess celebrating Chinese new year is not really something to shout about for singles like me. Question like "Oh, when are you going to get married and start giving out angpows?" drowned me like quicksand. Conclusion, no fun at all.

After Chinese new year, we made a family trip to Phuket and Bangkok. It was quite disastrous! First, I tripped and fell near the pool on the first day in Phuket. Thanks to the bright yellow crocs my sis bought for me from Australia. Then, I had a heatstroke on day 3 whereby I almost black-out during dinner. Not forgetting the endless numbers of sex tourists we see all over Phuket. It was really disgusting! Yucks! Yikes! Pukeeeee! Conclusion, I don't like Phuket. Will never ever go back to Phuket.

Shopping in Bangkok was great though. But then, the sad part is there are so many dishonest taxi drivers in Thailand, they didn't just drive us around, they drove us up the walls! Driving us nuts! Madness! However, my mom, my two sisters and me did spent some quality time together, which did serve the purpose of the trip. So, I guess the trip was alright afterall.

Back to KL, we were busy with my mom's 60th birthday bash. We invited 100 over guests and I think my mom is pleased with the party, not mentioning the monetary gifts she received! haha... she is more than pleased! Too bad, it was the same day as election day in Malaysia. The party ended surprisingly early (the party was cleared before 10pm!) as everyone was worried that there might be a riot due to the majority victory of the opposition party!

So, now that the festive season, the trip, the party are all over. I have one day left to pack and get ready for my 5 months work assignment in the Pearl of the Orient - Hong Kong! Counting down now for my flight out of Malaysia, only 36 hours left! So many things to pack, still exhausted from all the hoo-hah, so many errands to run and gosh! I need a haircut before I leave! I need more time!

Now, is my schedule lately hectic or what? *phew*

By the way, the title for this post, "one two free" is how hongkee pronounce "123" in English. It never fails to put a smirk on my face when I hear them say those words! Sarcastic? I think not, I call it sweet revenge. Just the same way they laugh at our Cantonese. Peace to the world! :)

my mommmie n me in our crocs! taken @ LCCT Terminal, Malaysia

Sawadee-ka! Welcome to Thailand!

*slurp* yummy coconut shake!!

Quite creative... old monitor turned into a fish tank! :)

Bagel! Bagel! Bagel! drool.......

Doing the typical silly tourist thing!

Me n my crocs on a starfish.. kinda cute I reckon! hehe...

Where I lived on my trip to Bangkok....

Mommie dearest n me on BTS in Bangkok...

Proof of me being fashion disaster in Bangkok... damn! Pink Tee with Red bag & bright yellow crocs? wtf!? Luckily nobody knows me there! haha....


Swee Lyn said...

nice pics.. your crocs are so striking :) didn't know you cut your hair so short. look so young. how's HK?

KATkat said...

haha my sis bought those crocs from oz... I'm not a huge fan of it reallie... hair is getting shorter n shorter!!! boohooo... :(
hk is alrite... no broadband at home so can't logon to update my blog... :(