Tuesday, November 13, 2007

blast from the past

:PToday, I met an old friend and did a little catching up. It's always good to catch up with long lost friend where fond memories were rekindled over a cup of coffee. It reminded me again how good it was to be young and restless.

We turned back time and talked about our life back then. So many fun and crazy things we did together, like painting his nail in pink nail polish in his sleep, countless nights of partying, drinking ourselves silly and attending outrageous irc gathering where we call each other nothing but our oh-I-think-it's-so-cool nicknames.

It was all good until he popped the question, "So, why did you guys stop keeping in touch with me?". It took me totally off-guard. What actually happened to our friendship? When and why did we give up on our friendship? Then he went on and explained on how a small misunderstanding damaged our friendship and told me how upset he was back then.

I didn't know our friendship meant so much for him. He actually cared a lot for us. I guess we took his friendship for granted and didn't treasure it as much as we should. I did not realized how insensitive I was.

Ant, I should have said this to you earlier, but I didn't. I'm sorry for what happened and I feel bad for making your life miserable. Let's put it in the past and cherish the friendship we have, for good friends are not easy to come by.

Oriel Cafe in Subiaco - where I spent a lot of time hanging out at when I was studying in Perth.

1 comment:

Swee Lyn said...

err i still don't know what the misunderstanding was?? tell me.