Tuesday, July 31, 2007

me, myself and I @ a wearable art exhibition

Thursday, 12.07.07

It's was a very special day.

Agatha, a friend of mine who is a jewellery designer had her first ever wearable art exhibition at The Private Gallery. I was invited to co-host the talk with her as she felt uncomfortable speaking alone. The attendees comprised of wives of the ambassadors from various countries and some media. It was a very small and intimate group of approximately 20 pax.

Her exclusive collection for this exhibition used mainly unique old jades, precious gems, rare antique silver from the "Miao" ethnic minority group from Yunnan, Guizhou province of China.

It was a very interesting and fun event as we designed a small experiment asking 3 lovely ladies from the guests to participate. Three unique pieces were selected and given as a choice for the ladies to pick one that best suits their individual style. After they put on the jewellery, we went on and analyse their character based on their selection and it turned out to be quite accurate. The guests seemed to enjoy themselves very much.

It was a very meaningful day as I get to meet the ambassadors' wives and also some of Agatha's friends who work at some local publications.

This, has marked yet another memorable day in my life.

Click here to visit Agatha's blog.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

"Naked breed" in action

It was Wednesday, 26th July. My friend, Jai's band "Naked Breed" was performing at Groove Junction at Hartamas. We were invited to show support for his band.

8:00 pm. Karen came to pick me up from my place. It was quite awkward throughout the journey after what happened at Zouk a week ago. We talked about everything else carefully not to bring up what happened. Went to pick up Mimi before heading to Hartamas.

The traffic was horrible eventhough it wasn't even a weekend. Arrived at Groove Junction at 9:30pm. It's quite a tiffy restaurant. Was expecting the performance to be at a dodgy joint. It was a pleasant surprise. Karen and Mimi ordered food for dinner. I ordered a Lychee Tini. Yummy! This drink has top the list of my favourite drinks now! :)

Shareem turned up when Karen and Mimi were done with their dinner. Mimi ordered a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label. My gosh..... didn't know we were going to drink so much that night.

Miki turned up later.... along with a whole big bunch of Jai's friends...

The band was pretty good. Jai is the bassist in the band. We tried our best to blend in as the band's groupie! hehe.. we were really slack at it. Don't even know their songs! Damn it.. should have google the band online! Jai had this funny expression when he performed, his lips actually reminded Shareem and me of Mick Jagger. We were laughing our head off. But hey no, control control. We are the groupie remember? hahaha..... and who is going to flash their boobs to the band??? umm isn't that what groupie does? hahahaha... funny! damn funny!

We ended up downing 2 bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label. After the band's second set, it was almost 1am. We decided to go to McDonald's for supper. Double cheeseburger! Fries! Coke! Yummy eventhough it's sinful! But who cares? haha....supper rules!

Headed home at 2:30am. Miki gave me a lift home.

It was a fun night out.

Monday, July 23, 2007

liu-lian liu-lian wo ai ni!

It's the season of king of all tropical fruits, the almighty durian! The sweet but yet pungent smell of durian seems to have casted a spell on me that I go all goo-goo-gaa-gaa over the sight of it.

Mom bought some durian today. We were supposed to have it for dessert after dinner but my brother and sister-in-law left home for their weekly 'pasar malam' ritual.

Shit, the durians were screaming 'eat me! eat me!' nonstop in my head.

'I have to eat it or I'll go insane! I won't be able to focus on my work if I don't', a little voice keep whispering in my mind.

But but but... never in my life have I attempt to open a durian. The sweet fruits hiding inside the hard shells with thorns so sharp it could pierce right through your skin and make you bleed!

(Note: my favourite line for the married women: "Best punishment for hubby if required - get them to kneel on durian shells!" It works! At least it will scare the shit outta them! haha)

Okay. Let's get things started. I was desperate.

Step 1: Lay newspaper on the floor. Lots of it. To prevent scratches on the marvellous marble flooring.

Step 2: Get a thick kitchen towel and a good knife (those for chopping is required).

Step 3: Select a durian that looks less harmless (eg. thorn not so sharp, perfect round fruit may be easier to open)

Step 4: Hold the durian with kitchen towel with one hand and the knife on the other.

Step 5: Aim at the butt of the fruit, and "Chop!" with all your strength.

Step 6: If fails, please chop it repeatedly. (Hint: a good stress reliefing exercise, just imagine it as your enemy's head!)

Step 7: Peel it open and dig the golden-yellow fruits out of the shell with your fingers. (Caution: do not use any utensil. This fruit is meant to be eaten with your fingers. It's finger-licking good! Not even KFC can keep up to that slogan!)

Voila! Now you can enjoy the sweet success of your hard labour.

Phew! It was hard work but it's all worthwhile. I can still smell the sweet taste of the fruit when I burp! hahaha....

Oh. Did I meantion that I injured my wrist from the thorn when trying out my first attempt?

Managed to open all 4 durians. Is that some kinda achievenment or what? hahaha ... I'm so proud of myself.

Go Kat go!!!!

a fairy tale

Long long time ago, in a land far far away, there are two lovely ladies, Sleepie Koala and Clove. They are young, energetic and full of passion with an exciting life waiting ahead of them. They live a fairy-tale life.

Sleepie koala moved from Malaya to Australia to study and then sailed all the way the Amerika Syarikat to pursue the love of her life *wink*wink*. The end result? Three cute little brats so beautiful and bright it makes everyone's heart melt when they see them. (She must be "sleep-making" something so often that her factory can't stop producing!) haha....

Clove a.k.a Lovely flewed from Malaya to Australia to study and came back to Malaya to pursue her career. She then migrated to Australia again in pursuit of romance. Oh her Putera Katak loves her so much it makes the whole world turned green with envy!

They both live happily ever after.

Did I tell you that they have a pathetic little friend called DEARest, a flying pig? She too, flew from Malaya to Australia to further her study. Moved back to Malaya after graduation. Borned a true-blue Sagittarian, she went abroad to work in Singapura. Singapura failed to tie her down. She moved back to Malaya before moving on and landed with a job in Negara Cina. She shuttled between the few countries and ended up back in Malaya.

However, despite the jet-setting and somewhat interesting lifestyle, she still remained single until today.

It's a sad story for DEARest.

God bless DEARest in her quest to become a Datin.

Yes. Must not forget DEARest's dream in becoming a respectable, filthy rich Datin!


Friday, July 20, 2007

one Night in KL

This is what happened last night....


Friend #1: Hey, your friend is getting outta control. She is tongue-ing the married guy again.
Friend #2: Tsk tsk tsk... I think she is hopeless.
Friend #1: What should we do to stop her from doing this to herself? Everytime when she drinks, she start acting like a slut and toungue-ing every single guys in sight. We really got to stop it.
Friend #2: Just give her a slap in her face and wake her up!

Friend #1 walked up to Muscle Woman a.k.a Ms. Instant Slut (Instruction: Just add alcohol and leave it for 5 minutes), grabbed her from that married guy and *PIAK* slapped her in her face.

Muscle Woman was horrified, but wasted no time. A loud *PIAK* followed and Muscle Woman's palm landed on Friend #1's face.

More horrified, Friend #1 slapped Muscle Woman back..this time REAL HARD!

Muscle Woman, just like the story line in those dramatic, hard to believe afternoon soap drama, burst out crying. Muscle Woman then hugged Friend #1, telling her that she regrets what she does and will not do it anymore while crying hysterically. It was like a low budget B grade movie, both friends ended up hugging and telling each other how much the 26 year long friendship means to them.

10 minutes later, Muscle Woman was spotted tongue-ing another guy in a far corner.

Both friend #1 and #2 gave up right away.

The end.


Moral of the story: Mind your own business!

Guess who Friend #1 is?

It's me! Diu!