Friday, January 18, 2008

coffee! coffee? coffee....

I love everything to do with coffee. I love coffee flavoured milk. I used to have so much of it when I was studying in Australia and was particularly fond of the one manufactured by Nestle during my 4-year stay in Beijing, it has the right amount of sweetness. My favourite ice-cream flavour is Mocha Almond Fudge, be it Baskin Robin, Anderson's of Denmark, or Bud's. I just simply love it, love it. I love coffee flavoured cookies, biscuits and snacks. I also used to love drinking Bailey's with milk. It sure sound like a healthy drink as milk is involved, the small dosage of alcohol makes it a perfect nightcap. Hang on, allow me to clarify, I'm not alcoholic, I just love how alcohol can induces sleep rather than relying on endless sheeps counting. Trust me, alcohol works better. And Oh Mama Mia, I love Tiramisu, so elegently tasteful. Or is is tastefully elegent? Ahh.. who cares?

Oh, I forgot to tell you the most crucial thing. I love everything coffee related, all except... COFFEE! Coffee gives me sleepless nights. The bitterness in coffee is horrible no matter how much sugar or milk you add in it. Sometimes back, hanging out at chic coffee joints like Starbucks and Coffee Bean is chic. I had very little choice there, Iced tea, Ice blended Chocolate, or once in a blue moon, I would like to act chic and order myself a Decaf-Skim milk-Caramel Machiato. That is really stretching my ultimate limit for coffee. Therefore, I hereby declared my hatred for coffee.

How ironic is that? Anyway, it's just so me, weird, unconventional and contradicting. It's nice to be 'unique'.

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