Monday, July 23, 2007

a fairy tale

Long long time ago, in a land far far away, there are two lovely ladies, Sleepie Koala and Clove. They are young, energetic and full of passion with an exciting life waiting ahead of them. They live a fairy-tale life.

Sleepie koala moved from Malaya to Australia to study and then sailed all the way the Amerika Syarikat to pursue the love of her life *wink*wink*. The end result? Three cute little brats so beautiful and bright it makes everyone's heart melt when they see them. (She must be "sleep-making" something so often that her factory can't stop producing!) haha....

Clove a.k.a Lovely flewed from Malaya to Australia to study and came back to Malaya to pursue her career. She then migrated to Australia again in pursuit of romance. Oh her Putera Katak loves her so much it makes the whole world turned green with envy!

They both live happily ever after.

Did I tell you that they have a pathetic little friend called DEARest, a flying pig? She too, flew from Malaya to Australia to further her study. Moved back to Malaya after graduation. Borned a true-blue Sagittarian, she went abroad to work in Singapura. Singapura failed to tie her down. She moved back to Malaya before moving on and landed with a job in Negara Cina. She shuttled between the few countries and ended up back in Malaya.

However, despite the jet-setting and somewhat interesting lifestyle, she still remained single until today.

It's a sad story for DEARest.

God bless DEARest in her quest to become a Datin.

Yes. Must not forget DEARest's dream in becoming a respectable, filthy rich Datin!



sleepiekoala said...

while sleepiekoala is perfectly happy with a little anchovy and clove is more than contented with her alaskan salmon....our dearest wants a great white shark....u say "sei ng sei???"

KATkat said... great white shark where to get shark's fin?
I'm a very simple person... I only want the best! haahaaahahahaha...

Swee Lyn said...
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Swee Lyn said...

didn't know you were so good at writing fairy tales :)

looking forward to you becoming a datin! don't forget me when you do yah heheh :)