Thursday, October 4, 2007




任何人都可以随时随地喜欢一个人. 不需要任何原因, 也不需要任何理由. 你可以同时喜欢好多好多的人, 或者事与物. 因为喜欢是一件很随性的事情.

但是, 爱却是完全另一回事. 但你爱上一个人, 那种俩人相处时的感动喜悦, 分开时的牵肠挂肚, 都让人深深着迷. 你的喜怒哀乐任由你所爱的那一个人紧紧的牵动着, 而虽然如此, 世界上无数人却也都心甘情愿. 爱, 真的很耐人寻味.

在爱的世界里, 它不象一场游戏, 因为它没有游戏规则, 所以无法断定是与非, 黑与白, 错与对. 开始的时候, 爱是激情. 一段日子以后, 它会演变成感情. 时间长以后, 剩下的就只有淡淡的, 犹如与家人之间的亲情. 它必须经的起时间和诱惑 的考验. 爱, 不是单纯一种感觉. 它附带着沉沉的责任和承诺. 对你另一半, 对你俩孕育的下一代, 和对双方家人的责任, 还有永远忠于伴侣和婚姻的承诺. 这是一生一世无法躲避的重担.

所以, 不要把 '我爱你' 这三个字随便挂在嘴边. 因为爱, 不是随便说说而已.


sleepiekoala said...


It is not simply love ..

To a certain section of people so ......


Anyone can like a person anywhere. Not for any reason, do not need any reason. You can also liked a lot of a lot of people, or things, and on. Because love is a very Sui Hing things.

However, love is entirely another matter. But you love a person, that is moving with joy from the Therefore, people are deeply fascinated. Let your senses that you love the personal affects firmly, and although this, but all are willing. Love, really interesting.

Love in the world, it is not like a game, the rules of the game because it did not, it is impossible to determine right and wrong, black and white, wrong and right. Right from the beginning, love passion. Some time later, it degenerate into feelings. After a long time, the only remaining being drafted, and if the affection between family members. it must be the starting time and the test of temptation. love is not simply a feeling. it carries with comparable responsibilities and commitments. the other half of you, your wife bred children, and family responsibilities on both sides, there are always loyal to the partners and the commitment of marriage. This is a Health and life can not escape the burden.

So, do not the 'I love you' is always casual. Because love, it is not polite.

KATkat said...

The translation is f*cking funny!!! *rotfl*

Anonymous said...

who is 某某人? have you said " i love u" to 某某人 or 某某人 said 2u..hehe