Thursday, October 25, 2007

a love letter

This is a mail I wrote on behalf of Encik DK aka Decay (you know who you are *wink*) to the love of his life.

Dear Hoonkee*,

You have gone for more than a month now. Eventhough you have left me, the smell of you still lingers between my fingers. Never a day passed without the thought of you.

A meal is never complete without you by my side. Ever since you left, I have been living in misery. To ease my pain, I stuff myself with food everyday. I have put on so much weight and turned into a 'tua bui '*. Without you, I'm nothing but disaster.

Oh Hoonkee*, how I miss you. You have brought so much joy to my life. You were there for me through think and thin. Without you, 'lim jiu' * loses its meaning, just like Nescafe without its Coffeemate. Without you, there is no reason for me to 'jiak jual' * during working hours.

My heart aches when someone mention your name. I get so distracted when I smell that unique fragrance found only on you. You are simply irreplaceable.

Baby, please come back to me. For I cannot bear to lose you forever. Life will never be complete without you.

DK aka Decay

The Oxford 'Hokkien' Dictionary

Hoonkee *
a cylinder of finely cut tobacco rolled in paper for smoking, also known as 'cigarette'
Tuabui *
noun. (pl. tuabuis) informal, derogatory. A fat person.
Lim jiu *
verb. to imbibe alcoholic drinks, esp. habitually or to excess; tipple.
Jiak jual *
noun. the evasion of work or duty. also known as 'slacking'

Encik DK aka Decay: Good luck in quitting smoking! I just LOVE to see you suffer! Muahahaha..
(Here's a picture of your favourite ciggies to quench your thirst for smoking! *grin*)

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