Sunday, October 28, 2007

death of a passion

Let's see. Previous posting on Thursday, 25 October 2007. That would means I have not been blogging since Thursday. Seems like a long time to me. During the peak of my addiction, I could be blogging up to 4 entries a day.

I think my addiction for blogging is slowly dying off. Why? cuz my bloody site meter statistic keep showing me '0' visitor ever since I installed it a week ago! Can somebody tell me why?? *sob*sob*

Someone told me only those who knows me personally will be interested in my blog. Cuz there is no 'buzz power'. Damn. WTF is 'buzz power' anyway? Come to think of it, do I care about strangers reading my blog? NO! I don't! If I want to, I would start posting X-rated videos/pictures/postings and I'm sure that will drive traffic. (Note: not mine for the record)

For a simple reason, I'm blogging so that friends across the oceans and continents can know about my latest happening. Some told me that they enjoyed reading my blog. Some told me they are touched with the stuff I wrote about them. And there are some who has got my message loud and clear through my blog.

My blog is the sanctuary of my emotion. It's a place where I can blabber about anything, important or not.

For those that care enough to spend time reading my blog, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Cuz I know by reading, you are showing that you care.

I think I'm extremely emotional tonight. Must be the rain. Damn rainy nights.


Swee Lyn said...

i enjoy reading your blog!!! :) don't let it die.

sleepiekoala said...

must be the moon!! It's full moon here tonite. I am sooo damn emo too!!

Just keep blogging lah....i check ur blog everyday bugger!! sometimes it takes a while for them to update it....what meter r u using....i use google analytic and i really like it....

if u want ppl to read ur blog, then u must advertise it mah...go to facebook and leave a link there lor....go read someone's blog and leave ur comment there...heheh...i don't do that tho cos i only want friends to read it....i haven't even given out my link to all my friends....a little bit paiseh...sometimes even my bulu roma berdiri when i read it myself....only abt 6 ppl know about my link...i know they read it thru google analytics, but they don't leave don't give it.....i am sure they are lurkers out thre...:)

sleepiekoala said...

*give up

KATkat said...

*hugz* lup u both deep deep! hehe

Anonymous said...

Blog!Blog!Blog it.. i am reading it.. yr meter reading must be not working it should shows "3" instead of "0" :P u have 3 (at least) readers:) Keep it up

"uncle just passed away.."