Tuesday, October 30, 2007

the update trilogy

Okay. So, I've been passed the baton. I'm next in line, after clove and sleepiekoala , to write an update about my latest happening. Pardon me please as it is long overdue. Better be late than never, they said? hehe.

Let's get started. I haven't been working for almost 2 weeks now, after the completion of a project. Oh! life can be so beautiful without having to work. At work, I've been drowned with compliments and acknowledgement like "Well done, Kat!", "Excellent!", "Without Katherine, it would be a total nightmare!", yadda yadda yadda. That's a little too much of compliments, but I LOVE IT! So, for that, I guess I deserved to escape the world and hibernate at home for at least half a year.

Besides that, I have been busy blogging and soul-searching with my imaginary friend, Naima (No! moron! not 'nanny' in Cantonese. This is a name of Swedish origin, it means 'tranquility'). Naima does the difficult bit, like singing and dancing to amuse me, while I do the easy, simple bit like sleeping, eating and shitting. I'm also reading my bank statements (The figure keeps getting smaller and smaller), mortgage payment reminder (final notice to be exact. Does that mean they will tow my beloved car away?) and other people's mind.

Recent purchase include X-brand shampoo that has the tagline 'See! but don't touch?' on the bottle, Y-brand bodywash that is supposed to make you feel like a celebrity after a shower(Hrmmm...and I wonder how),Z-brand toothpaste, I figured if I need to brush my teeth everytime I wake up from sleep/nap/rest/daydreaming, I would need to brush my teeth at least 10 times a day. So, that would mean I'll need a hell lot of toothpaste! I'm so contented with my 'luxurious' shopping spree! (Note: can't afford fancy stuff like friend in US and friend in Melbourne)

I wish the weather in Malaysia would cool down faster, it's rainy season now but still, it's not cold enough to snow. Damn! Friends in the States and Melbourne are in warm winter jacket and I'm stucked in boring summer clothings, all year round! That sucks! There's no daylight saving in Malaysia and who cares about time difference anyway. I'm only awake when night falls so my biological clock works around US time zone! muahaha....

I think I'll never ever blog enough and since I don't need to work tomorrow, and the day after, and after, and after, which means I can wake up any time I want to. Yikes. Boring. So, tata for now. I shall be back!!!!

Oh wait! Who should I pass the baton to next? *look around* Nobody else lah! Durh!


Swee Lyn said...

hahah your blog is so cute :) maybe we should get joanne started on blogging :) then it'll be what... quadrilogy? hahahha

sleepiekoala said...

why not get keith started on blogging too ehhh...kekekek......

KATkat said...

does that means Tai will be next following Keith? wahhh the more the merrier lor...then can read each other's secret! hehe

Swee Lyn said...

like getting both sides of the story and judging who's exaggerating? haha.. no fun liao like that.

nah, don't think he's into blogging.. more into forum-ing.